Dave Cutts M0TAZ “Data Modes for all occasions”
I have to admit, I wasn’t greatly looking forward to this talk as I have never really understood PSK31 and I am still having trouble trying to get my 7300 to operate Whisper. But I needn’t have worried. Dave is an accomplished speaker and, wonder of wonders, I understood most of it- the man is a genius.
He covered just about all the data modes and the software needed to employ them and the pros and cons of each in a way that even someone a bit thick (like myself) could understand every word.
A very enjoyable evening and I hope we invite him back again to talk about something else.
Note:- I have the slide presentation and, if I can figure away to embed it in the website (the programme we are using doesn’t seem to have that option) I will post them on line.

Thanks Pete